Sunday, November 13, 2022

A Broad Outline So That You Can Follow According To The Particular Competitive Examination

 Here is a broad outline for writing any competitive exam.

  1. Know the exam. The very first step you need to take is to understand the exam itself. What it requires, how is the passing determined, what subjects you have got, what is the overall passing percentage for the exam etc. Get a grip on what is it exactly that you are entering into.
  2. Understand yourself. By saying this I mean, do your own SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Analyse what subjects / chapters can be your strengths. Which ones are your weaknesses. How can you exploit any advantage you have over others and convert it into an opportunity. And how would you use your strengths to keep away from threats.
  3. Of the above, strengths and weaknesses are under your direct control while opportunities and threats would be determined by external factors. So, make a conscious effort to convert as many weaknesses into strengths as you can. This is your best bet to influence the external factors and generate more opportunities.
  4. Set a target for yourself which would help you in maximising your results by using as many resources as you can invest. Keep the target a bit flexible to incorporate any unexpected mistakes in the actual exam. Keep the target just a tad out of your reach and then stretch out to grab it.
  5. Divide your ultimate objective set by you in step 4 into smaller stepping stones. Or as I lile to call them, 'bite sized pieces'.
  6. Formulate a plan to correlate your SWOT with your stepping stones. Here, I mean that set the smaller objectives in such a way that you try to convert your weaknesses into your strengths and at the same time move a step closer to your ultimate goal.
  7. Keep the plan periodic, open for changes and review it at appropriate time as you deem fit. Immediately incorporate any changes you feel are necessary to realign the current SWOT and the stepping stones.
  8. If need be, reassess your target according to your updated preparation status.
  9. Stay focussed.
  10. Don't ignore life. But at the same time, keep your career life and social life at a safe distance.

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