Friday, February 26, 2021

SSC CGL Exam Interview Experience and Questions Asked


SSC CGL Exam  Interview Experience and Questions Asked

It helps interviewers to draw a conclusion about aspirant within minutes. They test somewhat knowledge, attitude towards other people and society, behaviour and responsiveness towards a situation you faced.

Staff Selection Commission has conducted interviews for those who got shortlisted in CGL 2014 Tier II Exam from 1st to 20th July. Here is the experience of a candidate and questions asked while interviewing.

Conversation I
Interview Duration: 20 minutes

Chairman: So Ms. Lekha, (Name changed) you are from Kadapa District.
Lekha: Yes sir!

Chairman: Now, are you in Kadapa or in any other place?
Lekha: Sir, actually my parents are in Kadapa. I and my brothers are in Hyderabad for the past two years for preparation.

Chairman: Are you taking any coaching there?
Lekha: Coaching was completed last year sir. Now we are just preparing.

Chairman: What differences have you observed as you have resided in two states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana?
Lekha: Sir, I didn’t find any difference.

Chairman: No difference!
Lekha: Sir, actually the place where we live in Hyderabad, we didn’t find much difference. Because many people from all over Andhra Pradesh and Telangana come there for preparation. But if we go far from that area the main difference we can see is the language accent.

Chairman: Then why all these? Why have they asked for a separate state?
Lekha: Sir, the people of Telangana felt that injustice was done to them, that’s why they asked for a separate state.

Chairman: What injustice did they feel?
Lekha: Sir, they felt that injustice was done in Govt. jobs, recruitments, govt. colleges etc.

Chairman: Why they felt like that?
Lekha: Sir, according to article 371D there is a provision that some percentage of jobs in each region should be allocated to them. But Telangana people felt that it was not done correctly.

Chairman: Article 371D, where is it? In Indian Penal Code?
Lekha: No sir, it is in Indian Constitution.

Chairman: When was the Constitution adopted?
Lekha: Sir, it is on November 26, 1949.

Chairman: Are you sure?
Lekha: (I am sure and I wanted to tell the same. But chairman asked other question before I answered.)

Chairman: Do you know when we celebrate Republic Day?
Lekha: (I got confused. So I answered in the following manner in order to cover it.)
Sir, I am in confusion, there are two dates - November 26, 1949, and January 26, 1950. On one day it was adopted and on the other it came into force. If I am correct it is November 26 sir.

Chairman: Gave a smile.
Member 3: What are the salient features of Indian Constitution?
Lekha: (Though I know the answer I didn’t get it quickly. So I managed with what I got.)
Sir, Indian constitution says that it is Republic. Indian Constitution is semi-federal in nature that is quasi-federal. Though we have a federal constitution, we have single citizenship. Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties are some important features of Indian Constitution.

Chairman: You said republic, can’t we say it democratic?
Lekha: Sir, It is democratic also. Indian Constitution Preamble says that it is Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic. While I was saying, the lady Member said the 4 words along with me.
(Chairman said Member 2 to continue.)

Member 2: You have done graduation in B.Sc.!
Lekha: Yes sir.

Member 2: I will ask you questions from Physics. Which is your favourite topic?
Lekha: (Actually my graduation subjects are botany, zoology, chemistry. I wanted to tell it but kept quiet as I was told by my brother that we should not ask excuses. He said that if I say like that they may ask that anyway you have it in your +2 and your score is good in +2. I have 97% in my +2, so I decided not to tell. However, if I don’t know I can say I don’t know sir. But the chairman said member 2 that she studied physics in her intermediate long ago, her subjects are botany, zoology, chemistry. Member 2 said ok. I felt happy, but it was shocking that he asked me nearly 10 questions from physics. So be prepared for shocks.)

Member 2: What is displacement?
Lekha: Sorry sir, I don’t know. (As he said ok for chairman I didn’t get that it is physics and thought that it is from my subjects. I haven’t heard it in my subjects so I said that I don’t know.)

Member 2: What is acceleration?
Lekha: (Now I got it that he is asking physics only) the change of speed of an object from time to time is called acceleration, sir.

Member 2: What is Newton’s law of gravitation?
Lekha: Sir, Newton’s law of gravitation says that every object in the universe attracts another object with some force and he gave it a value of 9.8 meter square per second. (Actually it is 9.8 meter per Second Square)

Member 2: What is ultrasonics?
Lekha: The sound waves which have higher speed than the speed of sound in air, sir.

Member 2: No. (Member 2 and Chairman both said that ultrasonic are the sounds which we can’t here)
Lekha: Ok sir, thank you.

Member 2: What are isotopes?
Lekha: Sir, the molecules which have same atomic number but different mass number are called isotopes.

Member 2: What is carbon dating?
Lekha: Sir, carbon dating method is used to tell about the object to which time it belongs to. It is done using carbon isotope sir.

Member 2: What is nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?
Lekha: Sir, in nuclear fission…

Member 2: Fission or fusion? (I think my pronunciation was not clear)
Lekha: Fission sir

Member 2: Ok. In nuclear fission a heavier molecule ---
Lekha: In nuclear fission a heavier molecule divides into 2 small molecules whereas in nuclear fusion two smaller molecules combine to form a heavier molecule.

Member 2: Can you give an example for fission?
Lekha: Yes sir. Uranium divides into Thorium and another molecule.

Member 2: Can you give the atomic number and mass number of Uranium?
Lekha: Yes sir, atomic number is 92. Mass number is 238 and 235. But the fissile material is 235.

Member 2: What are the types of lenses?
Lekha: Sir, there are 2 types of lenses. One is convex lens, the other one is……. (I am not getting the word in English, I know it in Telugu.)

Chairman: Concave lens.
Lekha: Thank you sir.

Member 2: What is the refraction formula for lenses?
Lekha: Sorry sir, I don’t know.
(Member 2 said some formula Sin pi (I don’t remember it now also, while Member 2 was saying the formula, the chairman laughed and looked at me. I don’t know why he laughed, but it may be for the reason that he is going deep in physics.)

Member 2: You have studied Botany; can you name a plant from Malvaceae Family?
Lekha: Sir, Abelmoschus esculentus that is ladies finger sir.

Member 2: What about Hibiscus? Is it not from Malvaceae?
Lekha: Sir, it also comes under Malvaceae.

Member 2: Examples for Fabaceae family?
Lekha: (I heard it as Babaceae. I don’t know about it. So I said) Sorry sir, I don’t know.

Chairman: Is it Fabaceae? (Pronounced clearly)
Member 2: Yes sir, and looked at me.
Lekha: Sir, Kajanus kajana, cotton, ground nut (I didn’t get them quickly, so I said slowly. But I remembered that cotton comes under Malvaceae.)

Member 2: Any other?
Lekha: Sorry sir, now I remember these only.
(Chairman: Smiled and with a low voice said Arachis Hypogia, while Member 2 said the lady member to continue the interview)

Female Member: I will ask you from Botany.
Lekha: Ok madam.

Female Member: Can you name any two medicinal plants and which disease they cure?
Lekha: …………….. (I was getting Neem and Amla. But I forgot the diseases they cure. Then I remembered Rauwolfia serpentine) Madam Rauwolfia serpentine.

Female Member: To cure?
Lekha: Heart diseases madam.

Female Member: Are you sure?
Lekha: Got nervous and said sorry madam, I am not sure.

Female Member: Ok. You have Indian Heritage and Culture as one of the subjects in your degree, what is meant by Heritage? (In first year we have a paper on that subject)
Lekha: The traditions which we acquire from our ancestors are called Heritage madam.

Female Member: What are the salient features in Indian Heritage and Culture?
Lekha: (Don’t know what to say) Madam, India is a diverse country.

FM: In what sense?
Lekha: Our heritage is very diverse like we have different languages, different food habits and different dressing styles. Like that we have many diversities madam.

Female Member: Ok. You have mentioned Fundamental Rights. What do you mean by Human Rights?
Lekha: The basic rights which we need to live are Human Rights madam.

Female Member: Those are not Fundamental Rights?
Lekha: No madam. If the Fundamental Rights are …, (didn’t get the word violated quickly) violated we can approach Supreme Court directly. But……,

Female Member: Interrupted and said - ok, we can’t directly go to Supreme Court if human rights are violated.
(Female Member looked at Member 3 to continue further)
Member 3: You said that there are different languages in India. There are about 3000 languages in the world of which only some have dialects and some don’t have script. Only some have been recognized. Among all the languages, one language is said to be sweetest and it is called as Italian of the East. Which is that sweet language?
Lekha: Sir, it is Telugu. (All of them laughed once.)

Member 3: I wanted to confuse by asking in a different way, but she said. (Madam told Sir it is called Sundara Telugu)
Member 3: You told what is Carbon Dating? What is Paleo Botany?
Lekha: Sir, Paleo Botany is the branch of science which studies about plant remains. (Plant fossils is the correct word, chairman told the word fossils with a low voice.)

Member 3: What is the scientific name of Rice?
Lekha: Sir, it is Oryza sativa.

Member 3: What is Periplaneta americana?
Lekha: It is Cockroach sir.

Member 3: Smiled and said you studied zoology. Do you have evolution topic?
Lekha: Yes sir.

Member 3: What is the theory of Darwin regarding evolution?
Lekha: Sorry sir, I am unable to get it. I forgot it. (Though I know the answer I didn’t get it at that time)

Member 3: He proposed the theory Origin of Species. What is meant by survival of the fittest?
Lekha: Sir Darwin made an experiment on Finch birds.

Member 3: I want the definition.
Lekha: (I was unable to tell it in English, I know it in Telugu) Sorry sir, I am unable to express it.

Member 3: You can tell it from the name itself.
Lekha: The organisms which can survive all the difficulties of an area are survival of the fittest, sir.

Member 3: No, no. It is different.
(Member 3 looked at chairman and said ok, enough.)
Chairman: Ok Lekha, you can go.
Lekha: Stood and said thank you sir.

Chairman: Are you doing Rock Climbing also?
(I have done a Rock Climbing Training Camp when I was in NCC in Graduation)
Lekha: No sir. I have done only in that camp.

Chairman: Only in the NCC… Ok, you can leave…
Lekha: Thank you, sirs, Thank you madam

They all gave a smile and I came out calmly.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

నాకు ఇన్కంటాక్స్ డిపార్ట్మెంట్లో ఉద్యోగం చేయాలని ఉంది. ఇందులోకి ప్రవేశించాలంటే మార్గం ఏమిటి? ఏ పరీక్ష రాయాలి. వివరాలు తెలుపండి?


కేంద్ర ప్రభుత్వ ఆధ్వర్యంలోని స్టాఫ్సెలక్షన్కమిషన్‌(ఎస్ఎస్సీ) ఏటా నిర్వ హించే కంబైన్డ్గ్రాడ్యుయేట్లెవెల్ఎగ్జామ్‌ (సీజీఎల్)లో ఉత్తీర్ణులు కావడం ద్వారా మీరు కోరుకున్న విధంగా ఇన్కంటాక్స్డిపార్ట్మెంట్లోకి ప్రవేశించే వీలుంది. పరీక్ష రాయడానికి కనీసం ఏదేని డిగ్రీ పూర్తి చేసి ఉండాలి.
పరీక్ష వివరాలు: సీజీఎల్ రెండు దశలుగా జరుగుతుంది. మొదటిది ప్రిలిమ నరీ పరీక్ష. ఇందులో ఉత్తీర్ణులైనవారు మెయిన్పరీక్షకు అర్హులు. చివరగా ఇంటర్వ్యూ ఉంటుంది. ప్రిలిమినరీ పరీక్షలో జనరల్ఇంటెలిజెన్స్‌, జనరల్అవే ర్నెస్‌ (పార్ట్‌- ), అర్ధమెటిక్‌ (పార్ట్‌-బి)లో సామర్ధ్యాన్ని పరీక్షిస్తారు. పరీక్ష ద్వారా అసిస్టెంట్గ్రేడ్‌, ఇన్స్పెక్టర్స్ఆఫ్సెంట్రల్ఎకై ్సజ్‌, ఇన్కంటాక్స్‌, కస్టమ్హౌస్లలో ప్రివెంటివ్ఆఫీసర్‌, అసిస్టెంట్ఎన్ఫోర్స్మెంట్ఆఫీసర్స్ఉద్యోగా లను భర్తీ చేస్తారు. సీజీఎల్ నోటిఫికేషన్ఏటా ఏప్రిల్మొదటి వారంలో ఎంప్లాయ్మెంట్న్యూస్తోపాటు ప్రముఖ దినపత్రికల్లో ప్రచురితమవుతుంది.

స్టాఫ్ సెలక్షన్ కమిషన్ (ఎస్‌ఎస్‌సీ) నిర్వహించే కంబైన్డ్ హయ్యర్ సెకండరీ లెవల్ పరీక్షలో ఇంగ్లిష్ విభాగంలో అత్యధిక మార్కులు సాధించడం ఎలా?

 కంబైన్డ్ హయ్యర్ సెకండరీ లెవల్ పరీక్షలో ఇంగ్లిష్ నుంచి 50 ప్రశ్నలు అడుగుతారు. ఒక్కో ప్రశ్నకు ఒక్కో మార్కు. ఇంగ్లిష్‌లో ప్రాథమిక స్థాయి పరిజ్ఞానాన్ని పరీక్షించే విధంగా ప్రశ్నలు వస్తాయి. స్పాట్ ద ఎర్రర్, ఫిల్ ఇన్ ద బ్లాంక్స్, సినానిమ్స్, యాంటోనిమ్స్, స్పెల్లింగ్స్, మిస్ స్పెల్ట్ వ ర్డ్స్, ఇడియమ్స్ అండ్ ఫ్రేజెస్, ఒన్ వర్డ్ సబ్‌స్టిట్యూషన్, ఇంప్రూవ్‌మెంట్ ఆఫ్ సెంటెన్సెస్, యాక్టివ్, పాసివ్ వాయిస్ ఆఫ్ వెర్బ్స్, కన్వర్షన్ ఇన్‌టు డెరైక్ట్, ఇన్‌డెరైక్ట్ నరేషన్, షఫ్‌లింగ్ ఆఫ్ సెంటె న్స్ పార్ట్స్, షఫ్‌లింగ్ ఆఫ్ సెంటెన్సెస్ ఇన్ పాసేజ్, క్లోజ్ పాసేజ్, కాంప్రహెన్షన్ పాసేజ్, వొకాబ్యులరీ, పాసివ్ వాయిస్, డెరైక్ట్ అండ్ ఇన్‌డెరైక్ట్ స్పీచెస్, క్వశ్చన్ ట్యాగ్స్, క్రియలు, విశేషణాల నుంచి ప్రశ్నలు అడుగుతారు. వీటిపై ప్రాథమిక అవగాహన కోసం ప్రామాణిక డిక్షనరీ, స్టడీ మెటీరియల్, గ్రామర్ బుక్‌లను చదవాలి. పాత ప్రశ్నపత్రాలను పరిశీలించి ప్రశ్నల సరళి తెలుసుకోవాలి. రోజూ ఏదైనా ఒక ఇంగ్లిష్ దిన పత్రిక చదవడం, ఇంగ్లిష్ వార్తలు వినడం, జాతీయ టీవీ ఛానళ్లలో చర్చా కార్యక్రమాలను చూడటం వల్ల మంచి ఫలితం ఉంటుంది. ఆబ్జెక్టివ్ జనరల్ ఇంగ్లిష్: ఎస్. చాంద్ పబ్లికేషన్స్’ బుక్ రిఫర్ చేయడం ప్రయోజనకరం.